Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dobry Den!

Okay, i realize it's been a fews days since my last post but it has been soooo crazy here!! We have had so many activities with our class and we've been partying so hard that I haven't been able to just sit down and write. I barely have to enough time to call the parents (sorry mom and dad, i'll do better with that)! Anyway, so i'll give you a brief overview of what I've been up to these past couple of days:

So I finished my last post on friday, right before we were about to go out. And went out we did! I'd say friday night was one of the most entertaining nights of my life. So, me, Jesse, and Jack had a great dinner at this really touristy restaurant in the heart of the city. The restaurants and pubs here are crazy because they are mostly underground. There are many floors that just spiral into the ground. It is like you are in a winding cave! The dinner was very good minus all the czech people pointing and laughing at us because of our "Americaness". I now understand how it feels to be a tourist in a foreign country, like the Japanese in Hawaii. It is very difficult; we should give these Japanese an easier time. It doesn't feel good when natives just stare and laugh. Lucky we didn't feel like scraping that night or else we would have wrecked all those czechs.

Anyway, after dinner, we didn't have any plans so we started talking to a man on the street who happened to be from Cameroon. He told us about a great "club" that was close, and because we didn't really know the area, we followed him to it. I guess clubs in Prague are different than clubs in America. He took us to a strip bar! We didn't want to be rude so we stayed for a bit, watched the hottest girl i've ever seen dance, and then left. We would have stayed longer but we're poor and we looked liked little innocent kids (which we are), amongst old creepy european dudes. By this point, it was getting late and we were pretty sober, so we decided to get some drinks. Jesse led us to the "sky bar" which was also underground. Inside, we were introduced to the famous, but later learned to be deadly, ABSINTHE. Absinthe is a green alcohol that is illegal in the states because it apparently makes you hallucinate. Fortunately I did not have enough to get to this point. Unfortunately one of my companions, who won't be named, did hit this point. We ended up meeting two girls both in their late 20's: one from Serbia and Montenegro and the other from Poland. The girls, or should I say women, were VERY nice. We laughed, took pictures, and got pretty buss with these chicks. After a couple drinks, the girls wanted to go dancing. Being as it was 4:00 in the morning we gratefully declined. The night ended with us meeting two italian guys, renato and luigi, on our walk back home (which we luckily found after 30 minutes of walking in freezing temperatures). renato and luigi were pretty cool. They told us about italy and all the beautiful women. We finally hit the hay at about 5:30. not bad for our first night in Prague huh?

Saturday was a great day with the family. We stayed in most of the day because our heads pounding. Fortunately, Jazz played us some guitar. She has one of the most amazing voices I have ever heard in my entire life, no lie. It is sooo soothing and just turns any hangover into relaxation. Unfortunately Jazz has a boyfriend so none of us can marry her :( Later, we all went out to a restaurant/pub near the Charles River. The dinner was amazing. We had such a great time, eating and drinking together. It really does feel like we're a family. And it's only been 4 days! After dinner we walked over the Charles Bridge for the first time. From the bridge, there is THE MOST amazing view I have ever seen in my life. I really think everyone should come to Prague before they die. I got chicken skin standing on that bridge looking out. It truly was perfect.

On sunday, we had orientation and class activities. We split up into groups of four and had a scavenger hunt around the city. It was cool bonding with the other kids Comly, Gabbi, and Hannah, who I hadn't met before. The scavenger hunt lasted all day and was finished off with a dinner with our entire program. Our group actually won first prize because we found almost all the sites on the list. Jesse's group ended up with the lowest score ever in the program's history! haha. another great day in PRAHA!

Just another manic monday??? yea right, not in Prague! After a long day of classes (intensive Czech), Jazz and Pavla hit off the night with some hot wine and a phenomenal ham, swiss, and mushroom burger. Then it was off to Chapeau Prague, a dance club we heard about from a kid who went on the program last semester. We thought that we'd have a few beers and relax because it was only a monday. the club would be empty right? no way!! not in prague. the club which was three stories underground was popping off!! the floor we were on was filled with young people like ourselves. We drank for a while until we were "warm" and then made our way to the dance floor. The room was filled with smoke, and the lights were flashing different colors. it's exactly what you'd think a european club would be like. just like the movies! As we stood on the dance floor, girls immediately started rubbing themselves on us. it was crazy! i would stand with my back towards jack, jesse, and jazz, and girls would just rub their butts on my butt enticing me to dance. So what's the first thing i do? I was outta there!!! I was soo overwhelmed that I got scared and ran out of there as fast as I could. hey! don't judge me! i'm still new to this whole scene, okay. call me a wuss, but i grew from that experience. maybe next time i will actually turn around before i run away. small steps, small steps.
On our way home, we had the best snowball fight i've ever had. The snowballs packed perfectly. I nailed jesse twice and jack once. Overall, I was the champion. another epic night!

so now it's tuesday. today we went on another tour of prague. I actually took pictures today so ill post a few of them up. but prague continues to amaze me everyday. i am so excited to see what will happen next! i love you all, and now i must ice my hands from all this typing i just did. na schledanou! Hezky den!


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