Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cesky Krumlov

Hey Hey!!!

Yeah Yeah, I know it's been a while. I'm sorry to my thousands of followers!! Well, there definitely have been a few events since my last post and I will try my very hardest to remember them. The days are starting to mesh together though (hopefully not because of the beer) so it might be a little hard, but here goes!

Unfortunately, classes have started, so we didn't go out much during the week. We were all busy studying and getting our readings done early because we want to be the best students we can be and we want to make CMC and our parents proud! So, after four awesome days of engaging and thought-provoking classes consisting of Central European Politics, Franz Kafka, History, and the Holocaust (soooo fun, I know!!!), we made it to the weekend. I mean, I wanted to come in on Saturday to do some extra research for my professor....but instead I did what I came to Prague for: PARTY!!!

When Friday afternoon came around, Jack, Jesse, and I were really excited. Being so thirsty for knowledge during the week made us thirsty for Beer too! So we sat in our apartment, popped open a cold one, and started discussing plans for the night. Some of the girls were having people over but we didn't want to walk in the cold so we decided to stay exactly where we were and meet everyone at Lucerna (a huge club here in Prague that we've been to before that I'll discuss later) later in the night. However, as we started our merry-making and revelry, a few kids from the program showed up to our place. It was pretty unexpected, but being the kind and generous people we are, we let them in and gave them a drink. To make a pretty long story very short, in about thirty minutes, about 25 people from our program were raging Tyrsova 5 (our apartment). It was pretty crazy because we didn't even tell anyone to come over. They just came. Wierd. Anyway....at about 11:30, it was time to go to the club. Everyone was pretty "warm" (aka supa smashed) at the time so I was interested to see how the night would turn out. Okay, about Lucerna. The last time we went to this place, I swear to God there were 13 year old girls there. No lie, younger than Luke for sure. The wierdest thing was that these girls were talking to old creeper guys, like, dare I say, flirting with them? I don't know how it is in Europe but I was not down for cruising with little kids and old creepers all night. SOOOOOOOO, a group of about 7 of us (including the czech buddies, which was crucial) broke off from the big group and made our way to a smaller club. I don't even know what the place was called but let me tell you, it was quite interesting. So we get in, and I immediately hear hardcore metal rock, whatever you call it, blasting super loud. "Oh no, a gay bar, and now this?" Once again, my mind was telling me "Get out of this place! You'll never survive." But then again I realized, "Oh well, I'm in Prague, let's do this hawaiian."

So Jesse, Pavla, Jazz, and I (Jack went to Lucerna) grabbed a few drinks and made our way to the dance floor. I felt really uncomfortable because people were dancing so strangely and the metal rock was pounding in my head. Oh well. I pounded my drink, looked at Jesse, and we both let out the loudest scream, "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! WHOOOO HOOOOOO!" YEAHHHHH!!!!! We started bobbing our heads up and down, just going absolutely crazy, screaming the entire time. All of a sudden, some guy bumped into Jesse really hard. Jesse looks at me and shoves the guy right back. Then a guy smacks into me. I lower my shoulder into him. (still screaming). Two seconds later people are shoving and running into each other. A true Mosh pit!! haha no way! I thought about taking some ankles out and saving my shoulder, but I didn't want to tear anyone's ACL or anything. The entire night was crazy. We moshed and danced with these wierd people for hours. At one time, these two girls dressed exactly the same came up to Jesse and I, wanting to dance. We couldn't though. We were having so much fun hitting people. It was a free for all too so we didn't want to get blind sided. The people were cool. In the middle of one song, I saw some rasta guy with mean dreads who I nailed earlier and gave him a bro hug. REEEEEEESPECT. Boo yakasha. Just another crazy night in Prague.

SOOOOO, that was friday night. Saturday we kept it pretty mellow because on Sunday we were headed to Cesky Krumlov. Cesky Krumlov is a beautiful town about two hours away from Prague. I'm not really sure it's significance or history (we made the wise decision to nap instead of attending the mandatory presentation on Cesky Krumlov), but the town was awesome and the night, well the night went like this:

During the day, we went on tours of castles and all that boring stuff (I'll put up some pictures). During the night, however, our entire program of about 65 people went to the Local Brewery for dinner...and fun. During dinner, a gypsy band played for us. They were SUPER lame and nobody tipped them so they were done pretty early. We had to stay till 12 though because our program directors rented out another bar for us for the superbowl. SOOOO, BEER BEER BEER!! I mean, we were at a brewery, what else would we do? By the time 11 o'clock rolled around, everyone was hammered, including ALL of our program directors. Wierd right? I mean, our head lady didn't drink, but everyone else did! Anyway, me and Jack start talking to this guy Bryce. Bryce was our tour guide earlier that day. He lived in Florida but moved to Cesky Krumlov about 15 years ago. I'm gonna go ahead and say that he is in the top 7 of the coolest people I've ever met. So we start talking about music and he tells us that he plays guitar. "Well well well, so do we" we said. Eventually we realize that we love the same type of music. We looked on the stage and though the gypsy band was done, all their instruments were there. "You guys want to play right now?" he asks us. Jack immediately says yes and looks at me. "No chance I 'm singing right now brrrrrra. are you kidding me?" All of a sudden, they both get up....and I get up....and grab another beer!!! haha nah, we rushed!!! I grabbed the mic, Jack grabbed the guitar, and Bryce grabbed the bass (which he was sooooo nuts at). Everyone in the brewery gathered around. You probably all know that song Jack started strumming. WAITING IN VAIN BABY!! haha I was so nervous, but I put my head down and we jammed that song harder than I've ever jammed that song. Bryce had mean back-up vocals (not as good as kyle or bar) but still pretty mean. When I was done, the crowd went crazy. Girls were throwing up their bra's, running at me to sign their boobs! I mean, I WAS "in the band." Soooooo, clearly that didn't happen, but the applause was pretty cool. After I sang, Jazz got up there and rocked the mic super hard for like three songs. Jack ripped the guitar up, even killed it on bass, and also sang some mean back-up. Tyrsova 5 represent!!

The Super Bowl. Wow. What a game right?? In short, because I'm tired of writing and, everyone's probably quit reading anyway, it was super awesome. I made a stupid bet, taking the colts. Not so stupid because they lost, but stupid because literally EVERYONE was cheering for the saints except me. When Peyton threw a good pass, I would stand up and cheer and everyone booed my. It was pretty lonely. I went from rock star to enemy in like 30 minutes. Boo. Peyton throws one bad pass the whole game and he's loses it for the team. Well, I guess Brees didn't throw any.

The next day, we walked around, went to a torture museum, ate some ono kine grindz, and headed back to Prague. Now, here I am, about to go to a Czech hockey game. Hopefully I will see a fight! Everyone cross your fingers for me!! SHOOOOOOOTS.

- Adam

p.s. no spell check so no criticism on spelling.....unless you like scrap